With the explosion of data and devices, big data and analytics has become crucial for the logistics industry. By leveraging diverse data sets from traditional sources, enterprise systems, traffic data, sensors data, weather information from forecast systems, vehicle diagnostics, websites, social media, logistics companies are able to improve their –
Our logistics solutions make sense
Channel Optimisation
Data on operational constraints, traffic conditions, weather, end-user availability and more help to dynamically revise routes and provide instant driving direction updates to drivers.
Improve Risk-Based Pricing
Make credit scoring and other pricing mechanisms more effective with an accurate understanding of associated risks.
Capacity Planning
Order booking ($, #), Capacity utilisation (%), Systems uptime (%), Fixed, marginal, and Variable production cost ($ and %), Inventory days and turns ($, %), Inventory Valuation.
Advancing technology, growth in mobile and cloud computing, big data analytics and increased adoption of GPS, RFID tags, sensors, scanners have given rise to large amounts of data.
Keep Assets Moving
Predict problems with equipment, from vehicles to machinery to infrastructure, and act ahead of the time to prevent costly shipment delays.
Price and Cost Optimisation
Set prices and find just the right balance between volume, capacity utilisation and profit – while minimising overbookings.
Customer Engagement
When a marketing offer is the right next action, extend exactly the one most likely to be accepted – improving conversion rates and purchase volumes.
Data Visibility
‘Insights on operational efficiency, safety and security, and customer experience for near real-time decision making.